Carmen is an opera that has been highly acclaimed by the greats. Nietzsche, Debussy, Saint-Saens and Tchaikovsky. Of all of them, Tchaikovsky said, Carmen will be the most famous opera in the world. That is exactly what is happening today. Carmen’s music is often used in the media, so you will hear melodies you have heard somewhere before. Even beginners can easily enjoy this opera.
Carmen, Opera: Character Map

Carmen, Opera: Roles
Carmen | Gypsy Woman | mezzo-soprano |
Don José | Corporal of Dragoons | tenor |
Escamillo | Toreador | baritone |
Micaëla | Village Maiden | soprano |
Zuniga | Lieutenant of Dragoons | bass |
Frasquita | Companion of Carmen | soprano |
Mercédès | Companion of Carmen | mezzo-soprano |
Le Dancaïre | Smuggler | baritone |
Le Remendado | Smuggler | tenor |
- Native title: Carmen
- Language: French
- Composers: Georges Bizet
- Librettist: Ludovic Halévy, Henri Meilhac
- Based on: Carmen by Prosper Mérimée
- Premiere: March 3, 1875, Opéra-Comique, Paris
- Running time: 2 hours 40 minutes (Act 1: 55 minutes, Act 2: 45 minutes, Act 3: 40 minutes, Act 4: 20 minutes)
Carmen, Opera: Summary
Carmen throws flowers at Don José on a whim. She gets into a fight with a colleague and is captured by the military. José is ordered to watch over Carmen. Carmen seduces José and escapes. José goes to jail in her place.
A month later, Carmen is in a tavern waiting for José to return from jail. Escamillo, a bullfighter, stops by the tavern and falls in love with Carmen at first sight.

You are free to love me. But don’t expect me to love you back.

Ah! Well then, let’s not give up hope and wait for you.
José comes to see Carmen and tells her he loves her. José gets into a fight with his superiors in the army over Carmen. José is forced to flee the army.
A few months later, Carmen and José’s love affair has already broken down. Escamillo visits Carmen. José and Escamillo fight a duel. José learns of his mother’s illness from Micaela and returns home.
Carmen and Escamillo become lovers. José appears and stabs Carmen to death.

Somebody arrest me! I killed the woman I love!
Carmen, Opera: Act1, Synopsis
Square in front of a tobacco factory, Seville
Soldiers gather in the square. Micaëla appears.

Excuse me, please. Is Don José here?
With the changing of the guard, José should be here any minute. Why don’t you wait for him with us?

I’ll be back.
Micaëla leaves.
The Children
We march with the guards. Blow the trumpet. The little soldiers are marching.
Avec la garde montante
Don José comes in.
Now the girl has come to see you.

A girl… It’s Micaëla.
Hey José. I just got to the regiment and I don’t know the area. What’s this big building?

This is a tobacco factory where women work. At noon they come out to this place. I’m not interested in them because they’re all bad women, but men gather here to watch them.
There was a girl who came to see you a while ago. I heard she was wearing a Navarre costume. Are you from Navarre?

I’m from Navarre. I was kicked out of my village for making trouble, so I joined the army. My mother raised me and an orphan girl, and that’s the girl who just came to see me. She’s very much loved by my mother, and she’s about to turn 17.
Then you can’t look at another woman.
The bell rings, signaling the factory’s lunch break.
Young Men
The bells have rung. The women are coming out! Carmen comes out! When will you love me?
La cloche a sonné

Who knows when I’ll fall in love with someone. Love is a wild bird. You can’t tame it.
L’amour est un oiseau rebelle
Carmen notices Don José, who seems unconcerned, while many men make eyes at her.

What are you doing?

I make a chain out of wire.

Ha ha! Are you going to pierce my soul with that?
Carmen throws him a flower. She enters the factory, humming to herself.

I guess she does that because I don’t even look at her.
He picks up the flower.

It’s a flower with a harsh smell. If there is a witch, she must be like this.
Micaëla comes back. He quickly puts the flowers in his pocket.

I’m here because your mother asked me to come.

Let me know what’s going on with my mother.
Parle-moi de ma mère!

It is a letter from your mother.

I want to see my mother. I was almost tricked by a demon woman. My mother protected me. Now let’s read the letter.

Wait. Read the letter after I’m gone.
Micaëla leaves. He reads the letter.

I will take Micaëla as my wife, as my mother wishes.
A riot broke out in a tobacco factory. The women come to the square and ask the soldiers to break up the fight.
José, go to the tobacco factory and find out what’s going on.
José returns with the captive Carmen.

Carmen had inflicted a wound on the face of her quarreling partner.
Carmen, what do you have to say for yourself?
Carmen begins to sing.

I won’t say anything if you cut me or burn me. I’m not afraid of God.
Tra la la … Coupe-moi、brûle-moi
Keep her on the ropes. I will go write the order to put her in jail.
Zuniga leaves. José tries not to look at Carmen, and Carmen stares at José.

Let me go. I’m from your hometown. Why can’t you be nice to a girl from your hometown?

Don’t lie. You are a gypsy.

You’ve been found out. But you’ll let me go. Because you like me. You have the flowers I threw you.

Don’t talk to me anymore.

There’s a tavern near the walls of Seville. There we dance, drink and make noise. But being alone is boring. I need a new lover.
Près des remparts de Séville

I imagine someone who loves me. If he loves me, maybe I will love him!
José loosens the rope that binds Carmen.

Carmen. I feel like I’m drunk. If I get on your good side, will you keep your promise? If I love you, will you love me?
Carmen, je suis comme un homme ivre

(whispers to José, sings) There is a tavern near the walls of Seville.
Zuniga returns. Carmen pretends to be tied up.

(whispers to José) On my way out, I’m going to push you and run. Pretend you’re down.
Carmen pushes José away and runs away.
Carmen, Opera: Act2, Synopsis
Tavern on the outskirts
Soldiers drink. Men play guitar. Carmen and the women are dancing.

When the man strums the guitar, the gypsy women rise to their feet. When the man plays with power, the women dance wildly!
Les tringles des sistres tintaient
It’s too soon to go back to the barracks. Take the girls to the play, they will enjoy it. Carmen, do you want to go with me?

I’m not going.
Are you angry with me because I tried to put you in jail? The man who let you go is in a military jail. He was in jail for a month and just got out today.
Escamillo enters the tavern with a group of fans in tow.
Escamillo’s fans
Long live the bullfighters, long live Escamillo.
Vivat! vivat le Toréro!
Come here! Here’s to your courage!

Thank you for the invitation. Soldiers and bullfighters are the same in that they are both dedicated to fighting.
Toreador Song: Votre toast, je peux vous le rendre
Carmen offers Escamillo a drink.

What’s your name? I will call your name the next time I take down a bull in the bullring.

My name is Carmen. You are free to love me. But don’t expect me to love you back.

Ah! Then I will wait for you without giving up hope.
Carmen, you’re not coming? Well, that’s okay. I’ll come back here and see you again. Hey, bullfighter. I want you to have a drink with me.
Escamillo leaves the tavern with the people in tow. The tavern is now empty. Carmen, two smugglers, and two gypsy women are talking.
We have a lucrative business and need some female company. Of course you will join us, right?
Nous avons en tête une affaire

I can’t because I’m in love.
Well, I’m sorry to hear that.
They leave. Carmen is alone in the tavern. José comes to visit.

Finally, you came! I sent you sandpaper and gold coins to escape, but you didn’t use them.

I am a soldier. I can’t behave in an embarrassing manner.

Zuniga came here earlier and hit on me.

Carmen, what?

You are jealous. Let me show you my dance.
Je vais danser en votre honneur
Carmen dances. A military bugle call is heard.

I have to go back.

Get the hell out of here. I can’t believe you love me.

I kept the flower you threw me. In the darkness, I smelled the scent of the flower. There were times when I wanted to hate you, to curse you. Then I blamed myself. I have only one wish. I miss you. I love you, Carmen!
La fleur que tu m’avais jetée

You don’t love me. If you love me, you can’t leave me one moment.

I’m going back. Goodbye forever.
Zuniga came back.
José! Why are you here? Get out of here!

I’m not leaving! I’m going to hurt you!
They get into a scuffle. The smuggler’s men come out and tie Zuniga up.

Now you are one of us.

I have no choice.
Carmen, Opera: Act3, Synopsis
Rocky area in the mountains, night
People carry their luggage up the mountain.
This business is not a bad one, but you have to have a strong heart for it.
Notre métier est bon
Rest here for an hour. I’ll see if the road is safe.

I’m sorry I yelled at you. Let’s make up.

Do not constrain me. I want to be free.

My mother probably thinks I’m still a good person.

Why don’t you just go home? This is not the right job for you. You’ll die soon.

Even you will lose your life if you say goodbye to me.

Are you going to kill me? I’ve had a number of death cards come up in my readings so far.
The two gypsy women start reading cards.
The two gypsy women
Shuffle and cut. Cards, tell me the future.
Mêlons! Coupons!

I’ll read my fortune. Another death card.
Carreau, pique…la mort
The smuggler’s man returns.
Maybe we can make it. José, stay here and take care of the luggage. The road is okay, but there were three officers.
Carmen and Two Gypsy Women
It’s our job to deal with the customs officials. We charm them and get the job done.
Quant au douanier, c’est notre affaire
José stays where he is. Micaëla appears. They are oblivious to each other in the dark.
Creepy place, isn’t it? If you stay here, you’ll meet the gypsies. You’re a brave girl, by the way. I’m going back to the village.

It’s not a big deal. What is there to fear? I will get the man I love back from the evil bitch!
Je dis que rien ne m’épouvante
José shoots at a figure in the dark. Micaëla is hiding behind a rock.

Hey! Who the hell are you?

Calm down. I am Escamillo, the bullfighter. I have come to see Carmen. When I met her before, she refused to see me because she had a boyfriend, but I came to see her because I thought she had broken up with him.
Je suis Escamillo, toréro de Grenade

You have to duel.

Oh, I see, you’re Carmen’s lover.
They fight with knives.

That knife stance, you’re from Navarre. But you won’t win with that stance. Your life is at my mercy, but my job is to stab cows. I don’t stab people in the heart.

I will fight you to the death!
The fight continues. Escamillo slips and is almost stabbed by Jose. Carmen and her friends return and stop Jose.

Stop it, José!
Holà, holà! José!

It’s good to know that Carmen saved my life. I invite you all to the next bullfight.
Escamillo leaves. A smuggler finds Micaëla hiding behind a rock.

Why are you here?

I have come for you. Your mother is crying. She’s praying in her little house, waiting for you to come home.

You should go home.

I don’t want to. You will go to your new lover, won’t you?

Let me say one last thing. Your mother may die today or tomorrow. She wants to see her son.

Rejoice, Carmen. But I’ll be right back.
José leaves with Micaëla.
Carmen, Opera: Act4, Synopsis
The square in front of the bullring
The bullfight is about to start. The plaza is crowded with spectators.
The gypsy women
Carmen should be here soon to support her new lover, Escamillo. Speaking of which, what happened to her old lover, José?
José is being sought on charges of fleeing the army. He’ll be caught soon.
The gypsy women
If I were Carmen, I would be afraid of him.
A fanfare sounds. The bullfighters enter.
The bullfighters are here. Bright eyes. Beautiful embroidered costumes. Swing your spear and kill the bull.
Les voici ! Voici la quadrille!
A beautifully dressed Carmen stands beside Escamillo.

When you see the work I will do, you will be very proud!

I’ve never loved a man so much in my life.
Escamillo enters the bullring.
The gypsy women
Carmen, it’s not safe for you to be here. I was told José was here.

I am not afraid of him.
People enter the bullring. Only Carmen and José are in the plaza.

It’s you!
C’est toi!

It’s me!
C’est moi!

My friend told me that my life is in danger because you are here. But I’m fine. I won’t run away from you.

I’m not here to blackmail you. Let’s start over. I want to save your life. I want you to save my life. You’ll save both of our lives.

I will never love you! I will not lie to my heart. The relationship between Carmen and José is over. Carmen is free to live and free to die!
A cheer echoes from the bullring. Carmen tries to leave.

Where are you going? I won’t let you go to him!

Even in death, I’ll still love Escamillo.

Do you mock me in his arms?

Either stab me or let me go. How long do I have to have this stupid conversation with you? I don’t want it anymore. I’m giving you back the ring you gave me!
Carmen throws the ring. José stabs Carmen to death.

Somebody arrest me! I killed Carmen! I killed the woman I love!